Das aktuellste Cel - The latest cel


Liebe Besucher!

Hier findet man ab sofort immer das letzte WP Cel, das neu in meine Sammlung hinzu gekommen ist, und zwar solange, bis wieder ein neues Cel eintrifft. Ich hoffe, hier wird es viele Updates geben! ^^


Dear Visitors!

Here I will show you always the latest WP cel that I got in my mailbox. As soon as I get a new one, I will update this page ... and I hope, there will be many updates! ^^
Please enjoy an extra-large scan!

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10/17/2005: A funny cel of Wedding Peach - she looks very frightened
when she is nailed to the wall by a monster, but this is no
problem for her! ^^ This is an A6 endkey cel.




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